How will I know when my street is scheduled for work?

  • You will receive a door hanger prior to work being performed.
  •  You will see “No Parking” signs marked with the scheduled day and date of work posted along the street, if on-street parking is typically permitted.

Can I park on the street?

  • Watch for the no parking signs. if the signs are on both sides of the street , the answer is NO.  If your vehicle is left on the street it will be towed to allow the work to be performed.  Your vehicle needs to either remain in your driveway or be parked on an adjacent street that is not scheduled to be worked on and is not posted with “No Parking” signs.

What time will the work be performed?

  • Normal work hours are from 7:00 AM until 6:00 PM  Monday thru Saturday.

My street is scheduled to be completed but nothing has yet been done today, why?

  • The crew will schedule several streets to be completed each day and while some streets will be completed earlier in the morning, others will be done later in the afternoon.

What if there is an emergency (fire, police, ambulance)?

  • Emergency vehicles will always be able to gain access to your street and home.

What can I do to help make this project a success?

  • Pay attention to the construction workers  directions.
  • Be cautious so that no accidents occur and no one gets injured.
  • Thank you for your cooperation and patience.

What should I do if I have an extraordinary situation or any additional questions?